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8 Angles of Attack on Cancer: Build Immune System

For some this will involve a total change in lifestyle, which is hard, but necessary.

There are many ways in which we can give our immune system extra support & there are many natural supplements out there which will assist us in doing this. Depending on the extent of which the immune system is compromised, it may be possible to boost it back up successfully with a good quality multi-vitamin plus a few extra products & most important, when dealing with cancer - a Cancer Diet.

It is, however, of great importance that when selecting products such as vitamins which are widely available & are often very cheap, to ensure you buy 'whole food' products. These contain the vitamins in their natural state & are very good for us. Other cheap products are factory produced to replicate the natural form & do not do us much good, if any at all in some cases. (I have listed some reputable sources of whole food supplements on the Links Page).

Superfoods such as Chlorella, Spirulina & Wheatgrass are densly packed with nutrition & make excellent immune boosters. See Buy Wholefoods Online for a top quality selection of superfoods & more.


In more serious cases of Immune System faliure then further drastic action is needed, as the above, while helpful is likely to be not enough. It is vital to ensure the cancer is completely eliminated & therefore hitting it hard from as many angles as possible is the best way to ensure you get the job done.

How to Supercharge Your Immune System to Beat Cancer

Firstly, the most vital supplement you need for supercharging the immune system & combating cancer is Immune Force.

Your Immune System has being keeping your body 'in check' throughout your life. In other words, mainly while you sleep, it is busy repairing cells, killing off cancer cells & infections etc. so they can not take hold & develop within the body to the extent that they begin causing us harm.

For cancer to develop then the Immune System, for whatever reason, has become ineffective or unable to handle the amount of cancer cells growing so they begin developing at a faster rate than what the Immune System can kill them off at. It may be worn out, toxic build-up over time may be supressing it, but there are other reasons which may trigger the downfall of the immune system all of a sudden; exposure to a mass of cancer causing toxins, radiation etc. another one being a period of prolonged intense stress, a factor often overlooked.

A compromised Immune System forms the circumstances cancer will take advantage of & so in order for us to fight back against the cancer, the strengthening of our Immune System is key.

If you are receiving medical treatment which will further degrade the Immune System, if not almost completely wipe it out then building it back up is VITAL if you are to beat cancer.

A Strong Immune System Fights Back Against Cancer, Seeking Out & Killing Cancer Cells

(8 Angles of Attack: Build Immune System)

The Role Of The Immune System

Contrary to medical claims, 'The Immune System can kill cancer cells.'

Our immune system has the ability to distinguish “self” from “non-self”, in other words it knows which cells are found naturally within the human body, which are 'invaders' such as bacteria & viruses & which cells are not giving out the correct 'signal' (MHC-I receptors displaying normal body antigens).

All nucleated cells are able to get cancerous, but all nucleated cells must express MHC-I, which stands for, Melanin-concentrating hormone receptor. The MHC-I is continuously recycled from displaying an antigen & being drawn back into the cell to find a new antigen to display. Normally, the immune cells will see all the MHC-I receptors displaying normal body antigens, however if the cell becomes cancerous, it will start producing antigens the immune system can't recognise & this will trigger an immune response.

There are two types of immune response, but in order not to get too technical I will keep this much simplified. White blood cells, also known as leukocytes, are the body's natural defense against infections, and are a major part of the function of the immune system. White blood cells are produced in bone marrow & are the immune system's first line of defence against bacteria & infections.

The two types of immune response: humoral immune response and cellular immune response.

Humoral immune response is related to the presence of antibodies that inactivate or destroy foreign substances. In cellular immune response T cells react against and kill microorganisms, foreign cells (from transplants), tumor cells and virus-infected cells.

Immune response targets cancer cells because tumours will make 'Tumour specific antigens' (TSA) which are the mutated proteins the immune system can't recognise, they might also make 'Tumour associated antigens' (TAA) , which is where the tumour produces proteins which shouldn't belong in that part of the body, also an infectious agent can be causing cancer, these cells will display viral antigens to become a target for the immune system as well. At the very least danger signals will come from infected cells.


Reasons why the immune system fails to kill cancer

Cancers can have immune defences & can even disguise themselves as healthy cells by expressing normal antigens on MHC-I. The main reason, however is that the person just can't mount a response. This is due to them becoming immunosuppressed due to drugs, infectious agents or radiation, as previously mentioned. Toxins built up over a lifetime can become a major problem as they inhibit the immune system which needs to be boosted up & able fully direct its self towards killing cancer cells. Also as people get older, their immune system strength decreases. The immune system can even decide to induce tolerance against the tumour cells, preventing any immune cells from attacking it. This, in my opinion may be greatly contributed to by 'prolonged intense stress' where the body, reacting to the constantly intensive thoughts of the person can find them no way out other than to give up. The immune system responds by stopping working as it should, allowing dis-ease to take over. It may just be too weak, or a result of both possible factors.


One thing is for sure, we need our immune sytem on top form if we are to beat cancer & regain full health.

Most Common Causes Of Low Immune System

Viral, Fungal or Bacterial Infection

Perhaps the most common infection, which goes mainly undiagnosed, is Candida. Candida is said to effect 75% of the population. It is a fungal infection & is caused by the overgrowth of this yeast in the body. Candida enters the bloodstream through the breaking down of the wall of the intestine, relasing harmful toxins into the body. Candida can be cured through a low sugar, low carbohydrate diet. But this needs tackling fast if you have cancer & I would recommend Colloidal Silver to be taken firstly at treatment dosage & kept on at maintenence level.


Discordant Nutrition

Providing the body with crucial vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants through a well balanced diet consisting of fresh vegetables, fruit & whole grain sources is vital for a strong immune system. A poor diet consisting of junk, convenience & fast food is just as negative, specifically sugar & polyunsaturated fats are extremely counteractive to good health & immunity.



As mentioned a number of times in this article, stress has a detrimental effect on the immune system & can prove fatal.


Lack of Exercise

Exercise keeps our bodies strong & fit. Research has shown that regular exercise assists the workings of cells called neutrophils, which kill microorganisms that negatively affect health & can sometimes be dangerous.


Lack of Sleep

While we are sleeping is when our immune system is most active, keeping potential infection & viruses under check & at bay. When we are over tired due to not having had enough proper sleep we are weakening our bodies & denying the ability to perform its natural defence systems.

Proper sleep should be in comlete darkness, people vary in the amount of sleep they need but when fighting cancer, at least 9 hours should be the target.

Which represents your diet?

Immune Force

This is the single most powerful supplement available for cancer fighting abilities & I would recommend anyone include this straight away in their protocol. Immune Force is safe to use for all types of cancer due to it's anti-inflammatoty properties & although it boosts the immune system to kill cancer cells, primarily natural cancer cell death occurs.

Immune Force delivers a power-packed combination which due to its 'Liposomal Delivery System' penetrates deeply into the cells of our body, including cancer cells & acts in your body to create core vitality and health. This concoction of supreme  immune boosting nutrients, consisting of a number of medicinal mushroom types, clinically studied oils & a carefully selected group of chinese herbs, has the ability to heat & clear congested liver pathways, bile ducts & much more.

This product is available direct from the manufacturers website, who ship worldwide & guarantee all products.


Immune Force Dosage: Early Stage Cancer = 1 bottle per month, Advanced = 2 bottles p/m, Very Advanced Cancers = 3 bottles per month.


For those dealing with more serious cases of cancer, or who wish to hit it as hard as possible, see also Energetic Elixirs for cancer for the most effective options.

Low Cost Additions to Your Protocol


Taking Selenium (Se) supplements in the correct amounts has proven to be beneficial in enhancing the body’s immune system and fighting off cancer.

Selenium is a trace mineral with antioxidant properties that are essential in maintaining overall good health and in improving the immune system. Selenium is necessary in trace amounts in order to keep the body healthy and free from many common diseases of today. White muscle disease etc. It has also been found to reduce free radicals which are responsible for causing cellular damage, contributing to the cause of cancer.

Selenium is a vital mineral for our bodies without which our immune system cannot remain healthy.


Suggested sources:

True Food Selenium

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