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This should be an integral part of every cancer patient's regime & it has been used to cure many cancer patients, even many with just weeks left, thanks to the work of Dr. Joanna Budwig, who dedicated her life to healing people with cancer through her discovery of the amazing benefits of organic cottage cheese & flax seed oil against this disease. She actually proved this recipe to be effective against many, many other diseases as well & her life's work is still remembered & used by thousands of people with varying conditions worldwide today. The Budwig diet is well known about in Germany, the birth country of Dr. Joanna Budwig, but is less commonly known of in other parts of the world.


Preparation instructions

You will need:

  • Organic Cottage Cheese

  • Organic Flax Seed Oil

  • 1 tsp Organic Honey

  • Blender



  • Spoon your organic cottage cheese into a blender & add the flax oil. The correct ratio for these ingredients is:

  • 2 parts organic cottage cheese: 1 part organic flax seed oil


  • Add 1 tea spoon of organic honey to sweeten.

  • Blend for up to 5 mins. or until the ring of oil has completely disappeared from round the edge.

  • Serve.


Can be refrigerated to store, for a day or so max.


Serving Suggestions:

For a great cancer-fighting snack or dessert serve on a bed of fresh blueberries, raspberries or with dried acai berries.


The Budwig Diet

This treatment kills cancer cells in a unique way. The Budwig protocol detoxifies the cancer cells and adjusts the electrical charge in and around the cancer cell. There are testimonials of people from around the world that had been diagnosed with terminal cancer (all types of cancer), sent home to die and were now actually cured and living healthy, normal lives.

Dr Johanna Budwig
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