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BLA Enhancer

L-Glutamine is used by the body for ensuring nitrogen balance, a healthy gut & strong immune system & is the most abundant amino acid in the body. Unfortunately cancer cells also have many uses for glutamine, they can even burn glutamine in place of sugar when on a cancer diet & sugar intnimised.

Glutamine stimulates the production of glutathione, the master antioxidant & is excellent when found in healthy cells, however it can also assist cancer cells, protecting them from free radical damage. Chemotherapy & PrugX kill cancer cells by causing free radical damage to the DNA within the cell, additionally when containing excess amounts of glutamine, cancer cells are able to exchange this for amino acids which prevent cell death in damaged & poorly functioning cells. We  must avoid this at all costs.

When cancer cells are mainly surviving through burning glutamine, this assists in neutralising lactic acid build up within the cell. Cancer cells with the availability of glutamine as a food source are able to survive easier in a lower pH environment, this is because a byproduct of the burning of glutamine is amonia, which neutralises acid build up.

This means BLA is unable to cause cancer cells to die off as quickly, because as lactic acid levels increase within the cancer cells, glutamine is providing the means for the production of amonia which is assisting the neutralisation of the lactic acid build up. Glutam solves this issue.


Glutam holds the key to speeding up cancer cell death, when used along side BLA especially, as is delivers instructions to the body to stop the use of glutamine in cancer cells. In fact Glutam doubles the effect of BLA & BLA Enhancer.


How to purchase Glutam.

PrugX is an antioxidant type supplement. Antioxidents are important as they rid the body of free radicals & prevent free radical damage to cells. Free radical damage is caused by every chemical & toxin in the body, most especially the cancerous ones & excessive free radical damage is one of the causes of cancer. Excessive free radical damage can result in your DNA being harmed which can result in these cells mutating & becoming cancerous. When there are also low oxygen & high acidity levels within the body this is the ideal conditions for cancer.

Free radical damage facilitates the development & spread of cancer, therefore free radical scavengers are high on the list for including in supplements & through diet.

Research has shown that cancer cells produce hydrogen peroxide which when released causes damage to nearby healthy cells in the cell tissue. Although the reason for this hydrogen peroxide production is not known, it may be just to assist the growth of the cancer by causing damage to surrounding healthy cells.

PrugX works in a similar way to BLA but rather than instructing cancer cells to stop releasing lactic acid, it tells them not to release hydrogen peroxide. This is then causing a build up of hydrogen peroxide within the cancer cells which ultimately results in their natural death.


PrugX dosage: Early stage cancer=3 bottles per month, Advanced=4 bottles p/m, Very advanced=6 bottles p/m


How to purchase PrugX

The job of BLA Enhancer is to prevent cancer cells ability to neutralise the lactic acid build up caused by BLA.  Among the instructions it carries are those which prevent minerals entering cancer cells so they can not neutralise themselves & therefore result in a faster natural cell death.


Energetic Elixirs For Cancer


Energetics work in a different way to vitamins & other nutritional supplements. Energetic medicine is formulated in accordance to Quntum Science, which recognises the interconnectedness of the human body right down to each individual cell. Every cell is a living system & vibrates at a certain frequency, which in turn effects surrounding cells, which collectively have increased impact on the 'whole,' being the health of the body. We are ultimately energy, comprised of cells, each with it's own energetic frequency & by tapping in to these energies & 'reprogramming' those not in alignment with healthy vibrations we have an amazing, revolutionary way to tackle dis-ease & renew health.

Energetic supplements contain vibrational energies at specific frequencies which stimulate & provide instructions to cells to behave in a certain manner. In this way cancer cells can respond to these energies & be encouraged to self destruct. Healthy cells can be improved & their electrical charge renewed, promoting health & healing within the body.

Below are the top rated energetics available & are truly amazing in their ability to wipe out cancer, results are guaranteed.

Should you choose to, when selecting which of these products to include in your protocol the combos provide the best value for money, however just one or two will help you beat cancer, just not at as rapid rate as when using more.

In order of importance BLA along with Glutam or PrugX would be the most effective, then add on the enhancers if you are able.


The Very Best In Cancer Fighting Products & Supplements


BLA stands for Block Lactic Acid effluxion & is an elixir which helps raise the bodys pH levels.

BLA works by instructing cancer cells to cease pumping out lactic acid, which is a by product of their 'anaerobic respiration' -cancer cells ferment sugar in order to produce energy. These instructions are delivered in the form of vibrational frequencies which are in tune with the energies (language) of cells of the body. The lactic acid affects the surrounding healthy cells & assists in cancer spreading.

BLA will order the stopping of cancer cells releasing lactic acid, this usually takes about four days to take effect & as a result the lactic acid will build up inside the cancer cells. As a result of this lactic acid build up caused by BLA, cancer cells become too acidic & because of this go on to die a natural death.

If the cancer is in the liver, lungs or stomach the the amount of lactic acid produced in such a confined space may cause the body to produce a fluid to dilute the acidic build up, the liver plays a key role in this. If liver functioning is already compromised die to toxic overload then the fluid produced in order to attempt to dilute the extra toxic build up is also acidic. Cancer cells thrive in a highly acidic environment.

BLA deals with toxic fluid overload whether or not the liver is involved. This process is faster than alkalizing cancer cells & causes them to die a natural death, quickly.

When cancer cells have stopped pumping out lactic acid the pH levels of the entire body are raised as a result.

Contains Earth & Hexagonal Energies instilled in water.


BLA dosage: Early stage cancer = 1 bottle per month, Advanced = 3 bottles p/m, Very advanced = 4 bottles p/m


Where to buy BLA

Elixir Combo
Bla Glutam

Please refer to Frequency Enhanced Medicine for the latest energetic product updates.

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