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Very Advanced End Stage Cancer - What To Do When The Medical Industry Have Nothing Left To Offer


It is an unfortunate fact, that most people will only turn to the possibility of alternative methods of treating cancer when 'all else fails'. 

For many there will still be hope & the ability to recover, there is, however, always a point at which the body becomes too weak & the point has been crossed for the body to be able to successfully heal it's self, no matter what we do.

It is just as important, though, to remember that just because the doctors have given up or reached the limitations of what they can offer a patient, this does by no means mean that it has to be the end.

How To Save Someone With Very Advanced End Stage Cancer

When setting out to save someone with such an advanced stage of cancer we 'must act fast!'

By this stage their bodies will likely be suffering numerous & significant problems & time is of vital importance, as is getting the right products to them so their body can begin to fight back & heal it's self, these products need to be specific, as a significant effect is needed.


The first stage is to gradually build up the strength & health of the body, over a couple of months until it is able to begin to fight back & begin to eliminate cancer cells. This would be too much at first & the goal is 'survival' then the focus on regaining health can begin.


Once a person is strong enough, their body will be able to cope with eliminating dead cancer cells, which can be attacked more aggressively as time goes on.


Protocol For End Stage Cancer

Below are listed actions & products to take in order of importance. If you are limited by budget, start at the top for the most vital & work down. Remember 'the more you do, the greater impact & chances of survival the person will have.'


All the products mentioned below are available via the search engine on the manufacturers website.


1. Support the liver: Whether the liver is functioning in a poor manner due to the build up of toxins from chemotherapy, or it has cancer in it, this must be addressed as the liver plays such a vital role in eliminating toxins from the entire body which is a fundamental part in beating all cancer - the elimination of toxic build up. In such advanced cases of cancer, often it is as a result of chemotherapy toxins overloading the liver that they are in such a bad way.

What to take: 

- Immune Force  (X1 bottle per month) - increase to 2 bottles as health improves.

- UltraLiver12 (x3 bottles per month) 









2. Fight Infection & Prevent Further Spread of Cancerous Cells: Infection is a major cause of death in those with such advanced cancer & so must be tackled. The best infection fighting duo are Ronuv & OxyDHQ.Ronuv is especially effective at targeting pathogens & OxyDHQ boosts it's effectiveness. In addition to this both products are flooding the cells of the body with oxygen, increasing the power of non-cancerous cells to resist turning cancerous, boosting the health of poorly functioning cells & assisting in the detoxification of the organs of the body.

What to take:

- Ronuv (x2 bottles per month)

- OxyDHQ (x2 bottles per month)


3. Support Healing & Rejuvenation: The natural energy required to recover is no longer available when the body reaches a stage of such distress. Fulvitea provides regenerative ingredients including predigested protein peptides, which are fully absorbed by the body. This all-natural product provides energy for recuperation without draining the body by providing an essential source of protein which the body will use to repair the liver & it's functioning. For further info. please click the product link below...Endocar is an energetic supplement, whereby specific frequencies necessary to support regeneration & rejuvenation within the body are stored within h20 molecules. Those facing death will benefit from this product as it's energies re program those negative ones which are taking effect in the body. Healing & life-force is restored within.

What to take:

- Fulvitea (x2 containers per month)

- Endocar (x4 bottles per month)(If the body is in an extremely depleted state, with a great deal of muscle loss take up to 6 containers of Fulvitea per month)

Additional products to enhance results:



- CSE (Cellular Support Elixir) - Enables further detoxification of cells & the ability for more nutrients to be absorbed by cells.-


Organic Coffee Enemas


End Stage Combo.


All the products mentioned above can be purchased together as a combo. for a discount in price. Please click on the image for more details:








All products come with a satisfaction Guarantee & can be returned within 30 days for a full refund.


Please note that while spending money on supplements which work so well as the above, it is important to consider other aspects of our lifestyle, predominantly diet. Healthy food is vital for our recovery & there is much information on Cancer Diets on the internet & many people have written books on how they have beaten cancer through diet alone. While people as poorly as this article is intended for may have gone beyond this stage, diet will aleays still play a vital role in recovery. Avoid enviromental toxins as far as possible, also & 'believe' in your ability to regain health!


The addition of pHenOH will bind with acids & toxins within the body & remove them via the kidneys. Additionally inflamation is reduced & oxygenation increased which knocks back cancer, so begin with x1 bottle per month & with improvement of health, increase dosage to 2, then 3 bottles per month.

Keep it Natural

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