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An increasing number of scientists today are recognising the possibility that disease is caused by some form of stress, some scientists believe that 95% of all disease is in fact stress related. Other enlightened individuals who are experienced in working with energy, as well as many practitioners in various alternative fields of medicine, state that all illness & disease is the direct result of underlying emotional issues or trauma which may have been experienced in childhood. In other words, what we are looking at is some form of negative emotion which has a recurring effect within the body & the interesting thing is that it is not necessarily present within the conscious or subconscious mind. One may easily dismiss this theory if they can not recall any significant, traumatic event from their lifetime, but rather the focus here is on cellular memory.  More specifically the destructive patterns which may be set into motion at cellular level as a result of some kind of traumatic or stressful experience.


When we consider that our physical form, as indeed all matter, is ultimately comprised of energy & that our every thought is in fact energy, it makes sense that when we experience such an intense force of negative energy, whether in the form of trauma, despair, or a prolonged period of intense stress, that this energy may resonate within the cells of our body for a long time following. This is likely to continue completely unbeknown to us, especially if we have managed to eliminate such memories from our conscious mind, or at least bury them deep under thoughts surrounding more recent goings on. Now, every cell in our body is affected in some way by our every thought & this make it possible to influence our health by breaking negative thought patterns & actually conditioning our minds into positive patterns of thinking. Remember, every vibration, every thought has some kind of effect on the system as a whole & so people who do not carefully monitor the thoughts they have & are in the constant habit of 'negative thinking' may be unknowingly crystallising negative vibratory patterns within the cells of their body in response to these thoughts through their repetitiveness. This can in its self cause enough harm for illness to take hold, the body looks for a way out from this continuous 'ill content' & unhappiness.

In the same way, any possible trauma from earlier years could have had such an vibrationary impact that energies could be still unsettled in later life, distrupted & distressed further with any current stressful situations & upset.












think most people find it far easier to have confidence in some form of medicine or 'something' they can actually swallow, rather than relying on the power of their mind to see their health renewed.


There is now, however, a range of products available, developed by a team of expert Quantum Physicists which are pre-programmed with the energetic, vibrational frequencies necessary for overcoming cancer; possibly the most effective method discovered to date.


What Is Energy Enhanced Medicine & How Does It Work to Fight Disease?

All bodily functioning is ultimately down to energetic frequencies which power all chemical sequences within the body. By programming the required frequencies into a medicine/ supplement which can be ingested, the body is 'told' what to do to beat cancer & automatically responds, just as it does to our thoughts etc. as mentioned above, yet the effects are fast & profound. We are basically manipulating the energies of the body, 'instructing' them & directing their behaviour to promote health & healing. Cancer & dis-ease is eradicated at cellular level & beyond.


The products mentioned below contain vibrational frequencies stored within h20 molecules in water & are formulated by a process of cold quantum cavitation. Specific frequencies can actually be programmed in to the h20 molecules, instructing the cells of the body to act or behave in certain ways which will interfere with negative vibratory patterns present in times of ill health & promote healing & various methods to combating cancer cells effectively. Each product is unique in terms of the message it delivers to the body, however all have proven to significantly increase the chances we have of successfully eliminating cancer & seeing our health renewed.


Energetics For Healing Cancer






The following supplements are like nothing else on the market & I have direct experience in the usage of a variety of products from their supplier, they have never failed to amaze in their effectiveness. Increased feeling of wellbeing & a reduction in weakness & pain is felt remarkably quickly from begining consumption.


Produced by a patent pending process, they are unique & do the job!

I have listed below, in order of their energetic testing score (highest first) the very latest energetic products released. (They even have a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied!)

When BLA & PrugX are taken together along with their enhancers they work coactively together, each product boosting the effectiveness of the others.

Out of the newr products available Pentose Phosphate Pathway Elixir works specifically well with the addition of & Optimal C Elixir.

The healing power of Optimal C Elixir is  also greatly enhanced when used along with PrugX & even furthermore with the addition of SOD Production Boost Elixir, further additions to boost this combo to the next level would be Glutam & PrugX Enhancer. If using these products 4 bottles of Optimal Immune Elixir along with one bottle of Glutam, PrugX Enhancer & SOD Production Boost Elixir would do the job.


The products featured below products & further information on their use is available via the search tool on the Manufacturers Website.


*The numbers in brackets indicate how many bottles should equal one month's supply, depending on the stage of cancer being treated, in the following order:

(early stage / advanced / very advanced)


**If someone is in a very bad way & lacking in life force & energy, cancer has spread significantly, or the liver & kidneys are not functioning well at all then see End Stage Combo.






Pentose Phosphate Pathway Elixir (2 / 3 / 3)

Healthy cells use oxygen to produce energy however cancer cells use glucose & this is perhaps the primary distinguishing feature bbetween a normal & cancerous cell. The Pentose Phosphate Pathway (PPP) plays an important role in energy production from glucose within a cancer cell meaning there can be up as many as 50 times more Pentose Phosphate Pathways present in a cancer cell. It is enzyme function which is behind the workings of the PPP & Pentose Phosphate Pathway Elixir instructs that enzymes be shut down within the PPP in cancer cells, meaning that their ability to produce energy from glucose is greatly compromised. Cancer cells are thereby weakend significantly making them far less aggressive, easier to kill & the overall spread of cancer is slowed right down.


Optimal C Elixir (3 / 4 / 4)


Proteolytic Boost (2 / 3 / 4)

Instructs the body




Prug X (3 / 4 / 6)

This product works in a similar way to BLA (listed below), only the difference is that it is hydrogen peroxide which builds up inside the cancer cells & then kills them. Cancer cells are specifically targeted as they give out an amount of hydrogen peroxide, the energies in PrugX focus in on this & instruct these cells not to release it. Thereby the cell is overloaded with a fatal amount of hydrogen peroxide which destroys it.

How to buy Prug X




PrugX Enhancer

While Prug X causes hydrogen peroxide to build up inside cancer cells, prugX enhancer prevents the cancer cells from neutralising themselves, thereby ensuring their death, faster.


BLA (3 / 4 / 6)

A top product providing an innovative, yet very effective method to tackling cancer cells which results in them dying a natural death. Contains Earth & Hexagonal Energies instilled in water. Acidic pH levels are ideal for the survival & spreading of cancer cells & cancer cells produce energy through fermentation & the break down of sugar which results in high levels of lactic acid being released into the body, affecting the cells around them. The frequencies instilled in BLA instruct cells which are pumping out high levels of lactic acid to stop this process, meaning that the lactic acid is now contained within the cell which ultimately kills the cell off due to an overload of the lactic acid.

Where to buy BLA


Glutam (3/ 4 / 4)

Glutam works to prevent Glutamine from neutralising lactic acid build up in cancer cells. Glutam doubles the effectiveness of BLA & BLA Enhancer. This is also the case if used with BLA & Prug X as it induces much faster cancer cell death.


BLA Enhancer

Reduces the ability of cancer cells to neutralise the build up of lactic acid caused by BLA.



All the above products & further information is available via the search tool on the Manufacturers Website.



Harmful Energies To Be Avoided


We have all heard how certain modern day technologies can be detrimental to our health, due to negative energies they emmit, which interfere with our natural energies within the body. Perhaps the most common offenders are cell phones & microwaves, but there are more.



  •  Radiation from cell phones is a serious problem. Alongside the increase in their usage, a once very rare form of brain cancer has also increased to the point of becoming now common.

  • Electromagnetic Fields from cell phones, microwaves, appliances, computers are all risk factors.



There are numerous products available which counteract these energies & protect us from harm.

The product I personally use & have purchased for myself & my children is the energy egg. See website for further details & plenty of information on environmental energies, including geopathic stress.


Also long distance healing is a good idea to look into.



Keep an eye on my Facebook page for free Long Distance Healing  sessions.


Keep it Natural        

Energetic Medicine - An Exciting New Frontier In Cancer Healing Supplements

human energy field
How Energetic Frequencies Within The Body Determine The State Of Our Health

The human body, when viewed from the quantum science perspective, is an extremely complex network made up of cells, organs & many smaller systems within. We are ultimately energy, each & every cell with it's own little 'system' & atom vibrating at a certain frequency, which in turn effects the next cell & the overall picture, being the health of our entire body. In actual fact Quantum Theory recognises the interconnectedness of everything in the entire Universe. Due to the vastness & complexity of this subject I will aim to keep this a much simplified explanation of how energetic frequencies may be manipulated in order to promote health & fight cancer.

I am excited to share the power of monoatomic nutrients with you.  I have become a business affiliate with Zeropoint Technologies which manufactures Gold, Platinum, Indium and many other transitional metals.  I believe this is the future of healing through DNA.  Click on the link for more information:

Once, energetic medicines were said to be the way forward for the future, at least once a method was discovered to make them a reality. Now they are here & since 2008 have proved to be as effective as they were hoped to be...

Now, if every cell in our body is affected in some way by our every thought then this makes it possible to influence our health in a positive way by breaking negative thought patterns & actually conditioning our mind into positive patterns of thinking. This process, although very achievable, takes much discipline & dedication & in the instance where someone has been recently diagnosed with cancer, for most it will prove too challenging for them to even begin to think about. If anything, thought energies are likely to be all over the place, as generally individuals will likely find themselves in a state of panic & fear which, of course, escalates the problem. Then there is of course the unlikelihood of many people being open to such treatment suggestions, as most  would dismiss this as rubbish or just find it too difficult. I

your cells listen to your mind
Earth Energies

Prug X

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