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Leukemia Protocols


Leukema is slightly different in methods of natural treatment to most other cancers (with the exception of MDS) & depending on the advancement of the Leukemia will most likely take much longer to deal with. However there are various natural protocols you can follow to cure this disease effectively.


Leukema starts with the production of abnormal and immature white blood cells in the bone marrow & lymph system. These are the organs which make blood.

When abnormal and immature white blood cells are being produced, the production of normal cells  decreases, this directly affects the body's ability to combat infection & dis-ease.

Chronic infection, however, is the underlying cause of leukemia. Chronic infection can wear out the immune system to the point that the production of healthy blood becomes compromised, the result being that abnormal and immature white blood cells start being produced. Immature white blood cells are called leukocytes.

From the above, we can clearly see that infection & leukemia are inextricably linked, therefore susceptibility to further infection & dis-ease is heightened & is of great risk. This is because as leukemic cells begin to accumulate in the bone marrow & normal cells such as oxygen-carrying red blood cells, blood-clotting cells (platelets) & normal leukocytes are decreasing, the bone marrow can eventually become overwhelmed & the leukemic cells then begin to seep into the bloodstream. This is how eventually other parts of the body become affected should it remain untreated before reaching this stage.


Leukemia occurs when there are excess abnormal white blood cells in the blood.


It is important to further mention here the relationship between fungus & leukemia. Chronic fungal infection is not only commonly diagnosed alongside leukemia but there have been too many cases where chronic fungal infection has actually been misdiagnosed as leukimia. It is likely many will never have become aware of this error even having been put through chemotherapy treatment; in fact they would be most likely to believe the leukemia had returned & faced with yet another course of chemo.


For this reason, as part of your natural protocol it is important to eliminate fungal infection from the body. The supplements  aimed specifically for this purpose are Candelim & Colloidal Silver.

Candielim is found in the Vital section of Top Supplement Recommendations, it tackles candida, the most likely form of chronic fungal infection, as well as ridding the body of other unwanted pathogens, unfriendly bacteria & viruses.

Colloidal Silver is found in Additional Supplements. It is a natural mineral solution that kills biological, viral & fungal pathogens & is used extensively in natural treatments due to these properties.

This is a less expensive alternative to Candelim, yet is extremely effective as a natural antibiotic & anti fungal product.


Leukemia Symptoms

There are several types of leukemia cancer & there are several levels of severity in its effect on the body. Symptoms vary in intensity depending on the 'type' & 'severity' of the disease. Acute forms of leukemia can see symptoms occur quickly and suddenly.


There are also a wide range of supplements which aid liver detox & boost liver function.


Still, there is more you can do to boost your treatment for free. The main factor being "Diet." A healthy, nutritious diet will help strengthen your immune system, feed your healthy cells & prevent malnutrition. The foods you choose to eat and the way you prepare them should work to protect you from infection while your immune system is down & help you stay strong and nourished so your body has maximum support.


Another important factor, as for all illnesses is "hydration".


Keeping the body fit, as far as possible can do tremendous amounts of benefit. A strong, fit body is far more likely to take out dis-ease than one which is un-fit & lethargic.


Exposure to the sun is another key factor; vitamin D is produced naturally in the body when sunlight reaches our skin. Vitamin D strengthens our Immune System & our susceptibility & ability to fight off viral infections is heightened.

Most interesting, however, is a study published by 'The Vitamin D Council' on how vitamin D would appear to play an even deeper role, specifically focusing on leukemia, the report can be read at;


Avoiding environmental toxins, which cause extra, unwanted work for the liver as well as toxic build up in cells, is another important consideration.

Be aware of using products containing chemicals & opt for natural or organic household cleaning & skincare products instead.


Try to get 8-9 hours sleep in complete darkness. While you sleep your immune system is most busy &  these are the best conditions for it to perform it's work effectively.


Physical symptoms of leukemia are usually a combination of symptoms, such as:

  • Intense fatigue

  • Sudden weight loss

  • Sudden fever

  • Night Sweats

  • Anaemia

Additionally, due to the weakened state of the immune system, increased susceptibility to problems such as colds & infection soar.


In cases where leukemia is in it's more advanced stages, easy bruising of the skin & bleeding may be occur ant.


Further advanced stage symptoms may include swelling of the lymphatic glands, as well as swelling of the liver, spleen & other vital organs.


Treatment of Leukemia

Chemotherapy, radiation therapy & bone marrow transplants are the medical treatments given for leukemia. Tratment is given in two stages; induction therapy, where the aim is to kill as many leukemic cells as possible in order to induce remission. The second phase of treatment is given once the cancer goes into remission & aims to wipe-out more of the leukemic cells that are left over.


The remission period can last from months to many years. Complete remissions usually continue for years before being classed as cured.

Further treatment can be given if leukemia returns to send it back into remission.


When battling leukemia naturally, a realistic time frame, when using the top supplement recommendations is 12 months, less (8-10 months) if your budget allows the addition of further supplements to your protocol than those classed as Vital.


As is the case with any natural course of treatment for diseases such as cancer, we focus on the entire body & the functioning of  each organ is addressed, predominantly the liver, to ensure the body's natural healthy flow is regained.

For disease to take  hold within the body, a weak point along it's system has given because somewhere along this system efficient  functioning has begun to cease causing a knock on effect & a breakdown to health has become apparent.

The liver always plays a vital role in recovery from disease, as this is the 'detoxification' organ. In order to begin recovery, detoxification is Vital & usually one of the first points addressed in any natural protocol for cancer. Every healthy  cell needs to be in the best possible condition in order to fight back against the cancer & protect themselves from being taken over by cancer.

Toxic build up from years of exposure to environmental toxins, harmful chemicals & pollution is inevitable, further dumping of toxins into cells of the body occurs when there is an over-load within the body & the liver is failing in it's efficiency.

One popular low-cost detox method is to perform regular coffee enemas, this procedure can then be reduced to once per month, although people claim to feel such benefits that they do not mind doing them more often.


Top Supplement Recommendations

If possible try to use all Vital supplements. However it is possible to start out with just a couple & if you find your Leukemia is improving then you are doing enough, additional supplements would only speed up recovery. On the other hand if it is reproducing faster than you are knocking it back then you need to increase the number of supplements, or at least the dosage.

For more details on each product & how to purchase, use the search tool Click Here.


CLL or Leukemia - Early Stages


  • Cand Xpel - 2 bottles per month

  • Optimal C Elixir - 3 bottles per month

  • Prug X - 2-3 bottles per month

  • Proteolytic Boost -   bottles per month

  • Papaya Pro - 2 bottles per month


  • OxyDHQ - 3 bottles per month

  • UltraCeps - 3 bottles per month

  • Pocavet - 2 bottles per month

  • Dtosin - 2 bottles per month


  • BLA - 2 bottles per month

  • PrugX - 2 bottles per month

  • Glutam - 2 bottles per month


Advanced/ Very Advanced Stages


  • Immune Force - 3 bottles per month

  • pHenOH - 3 bottles per month

  • Candelim - 2 bottles per month

  • Telomerase - 2 bottles per month


  • OxyDHQ - 4 bottles per month

  • UltraCeps - 4 bottles per month

  • Pocavet - 2 bottles per month

  • Dtosin - 2 bottles per month


  • BLA - 2 bottles per month

  • PrugX - 2 bottles per month

  • Glutam - 2 bottles per month

  • Reveal - 2 bottles per month

  • GlioX -2 bottles per month

Dietry Recommendations

People with Leukemia can find it harder to eat due to feelings of nausea which tends to result in substantial weight loss. It is important to try & fight this, if possible eating every few hours, this can be of great benefit, even if it means just getting 'something' down. That something, of course, must be of nutritional benefit to the body & not a food for cancer.


Eating foods which strengthen the body as well as directly kill off cancer cells is the aim here.


  • Aim for 10-a-day, rather than the more popular 5-a-day. The vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables are known to fight cancer cells, however maximum benefit is achieved when consumed raw. Juicing is idealfor this purpose. Phytonutrients have extremely powerful health benefits for us & are found in the colour of plants. Purple is a good choice, for example reversatol, found in the skin of purple grapes has proved to be effective against Leukemia. Blueberries are another excellent choice due to the large amount of antioxidants they contain, which prevent damage to our cells from free radicals. Three of the top cancer fighting purple foods are acai berries, goji berries & beetroot! Try to encorporate, however as many different, bright coloured fruit & veg. as possible to gain maximum benefit.





  • Chlorella & Spirulina: described as 'the perfect foods' which can truley 'transform your health.' 

Chlorella has been touted as the perfect whole food. Aside from being a complete
protein and containing all the B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, and the major minerals (with zinc and iron in amounts large enough to be considered supplementary), it has been found to improve the immune system, improve digestion, detoxify the body, accelerate healing, protect against radiation, aid in the prevention of degenerative diseases, help in treatment of Candida albicans, relieve arthritis pain and because of its nutritional content, provide much more...
- Earl Mindell’s Vitamin Bible


It is possible that the GLA found in spirulina and possibly these other products
accounts for some of the positive effects that people experience when using them,
including decreased appetite, weight loss, and improved energy levels, especially
mental energy.


Additionally the molecular structure of chlorella is almost identical to that of haemoglobin & can assist in new, healthy blood production.

Recommended Reading:




"The power of silver as an effective antimicrobial substance cannot be denied. The fact that silver is an infection fighting agent that, in various forms, is highly compatible for use with the human body has been established for centuries. This fact has been scientifically proven time and time again over the last eighty years."

Additional Supplements

Here are some lower cost supplements to include in your protocol. Again the more you can do, the better. If you have 3 or less of the Top Supplements then I would incorporate most of the products suggested below, you can choose & alternate different ones as you feel is right for you.

Everyone is different, even when fighting the same disease, each persons body is unique & stronger, or more lacking  in nutrients or certain organ functionability to another. In other words some things will suit you that do not, perhaps others, so go with what you feel drawn to & try a variety of herbal & dietry supplements as well as dietry techniques.


As mentioned previously, quality of supplements is essential & I have made some suggestions below, you may find alternative sources, but if you are struggling visit the 'Links Page' for various suppliers of  top quality, natural supplements, where you may find fresh inspiration.


If Candelim is not one of your chosen Top Supplements then I would definitely suggest taking colloidal silver at a treatment dose, then continue to do so at a maintenence level, for life.

  • Colloidal Silver: This in ancient remedy which far pre-dates antibiotics. Minute silver particles are electrically charged & suspended in water, they remain suspended as the charge causes them to repel one another. Quality colloidal silver is a powerful, natural, broad spectrum disinfecting, antibiotic & anti microbial that acts as a preventative against systematic infectiona & infectious disorders.

Utopia Silver



  • Curcumin: The secret ingredient of Turmeric. (This may also be incorporated into your diet by heavily dousing meals/ adding to juices.) As one of the most potent antioxidants, curcumin protect the cells from oxidative damage brought by free radicals. The benefits of curcuin go on & on but interestingly primary polyphenol in curcumin herb can stimulate liver regeneration and repair.           

Curcumin X-4000 (the most potent supplement form)

  • The Entire Vitamin B Complex: this will help with anemia & other problems with the blood.

Vitamin B Complex

Unique B12

  • Iron: Along with the above are vital for building the blood, also serving as a vital source of energy at all times and help fight off physical fatigue which may be very persistent in most patients. Iron is best in its organic form.

Iron Complex

  • Vitamin C: will help combat infections & assist in strengthening blood vessels, protecting the body from harmful toxins.

Buffered Vitamin C (from Calcium ascorbate) 180g powder

Drinks: Green tea of premium quality, herbal teas, fresh carrot juices daily, preferably with the addition of spinach, chlorella or spirulina. Goji BerryJuice, Spring Water, Goats milk.

Bioflavenoids: (vitamin P) are important to take along side Vitamin C, they help the body by boosting the rate of absorption of the vitamin C. Bioflavenoids abilities are also to strengthen the structure of the capillaries as they act synergistically with vitamin C, protecting & preserving  the structure of capillaries. The benefits go on...

They are not produced naturally in the body, but can be taken either in supplement form or through diet, there are varios types & they are found in plants/ vegetables etc.

Quercetin & Bromelain 60 Tablets

Cistus incanus tincture 100ml

Graviola Tea Bags x40

Keep it Natural

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