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Chemotherapy & the Corruption Surrounding Cancer Treatments

The controversy over chemotherapy appears to be ever on the increase, although this is not too surprising when one stands back & looks at many of the facts & 'real statistics' being gathered by independent orginisations. What is surprising though, is that in this day & age people are still putting themselves through this horrendous torture with the hope of regaining their health, when in fact the truth is that they are unaware of the true damage being caused to their body & their chances, though chemotherapy of making a full recovery are "low."It seems that chemotherapy is nothing more than an 'unnecessary evil' of today's society.

It may just shock you to know that, in fact, more people die from the damage to their body caused by chemotherapy than die of cancer its self; Well if that is not shocking enough for you it may surprise you to know that scientists insist that it is not even effective against 80% of cancers, yet it is still the method of treatment usually recommended by oncologists even in such cases."Why?"Perhaps it is because they do not have a better alternative to try; perhaps they believe that it really is the best form of treatment for their patients? The fact that oncologists earn a hefty commission for each patient per course may influence their decision to do so, yet we would hope that this was not the driving force from those people we trust, literally with our lives.

There are now other cancer drugs used in treating certain types of cancer being offered, yet only along side or with the follow-up of a course in chemo. Unfortunately we usually find the cancer returns after a couple of years or so in a far more aggressive form. Treatment is no longer an option because it becomes immune to the drugs used, or is now classified too advanced to treat.


So, just how successful is chemotherapy likely to be for someone considering this a treatment option for cancer? Well, exact statistics can be difficult to find but there is enough information out there now for us to find independently concluded figures. First of all it is important to understand just what is meant by the given statistics. Usually these are based over a five year period, so if they live this period out then the treatment would be considered a success. However, the fact is that people who have undergone chemotherapy & radio therapy are now more susceptible to cancer, so the chances of it returning at some point in the future are quite high.If this happens after the five years following their initial treatment, they are still considered to have been cured, even if they die in year six.


Also there is the quality of life factor to consider; chemotherapy causes so much pain & suffering that depending on the outcome you hope to achieve, be it a few more months or to hopefully guarantee the success of surgery, it has to be considered if it is really worth it.Now, in my opinion of what would be a far more suitable method to defining 'being cured' would be that the patient becomes completely cancer free & never dies of cancer, or the treatment. Also a suitable treatment plan should be one that works with the human body, with no terrible side effects & no risk of long term damage to the immune system.Now we understand a bit about how to interpret the survival statistics the medical industry published, below shows just how misleading they really are.Medical statistics put the overall survival rate for orthodox cancer treatments at 40-50% (over 5 years from being diagnosed).Now the actual figure, when we consider the survival rate to mean that the person never dies of cancer, the treatment, any side effects of the treatment, or by any direct or indirect cause relating to the treatment is just 3%!This is based on the research of the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.The Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. also puts the real survival rate of those choosing natural treatment options at over 80%!


Given that chemotherapy is shown to have such destructive consequences in terms of immediate side-effects & susceptibility to further illness through the weakened state it leaves our body in, its more often than not completely unnecessary usage can only bring us to the conclusion that someone somewhere, perhaps people on many levels are making a killing through it. Pun intended.Surely it makes sense that when faced with a serious disease we should be strengthening our body & its defences, building our immune system & boosting its ability to fight off this illness, enhancing our cell's ability to repair themselves & protecting those cells which are still healthy. Not destroying & killing off these healthy cells in the hope of possibly killing the cancer cells at the same, not weakening our entire body & breaking down our own immune system at the time we need it most. This makes no logical sense or otherwise. Even though we are 'informed' that chemotherapy does no harm to our healthy cells - X


If you, or a loved one does decide to go ahead with chemotherapy then below are listed some suggested supplements to assist the body in clearing it's self of the poisonous toxins, therefore reducing side effects:

killer chemo drugs


Chlorella is best taken in powder form, either in a freshly made juice or water, as this way it is most easily absorbed.

Suggested product:



Antioxidants Supreme

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