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Detoxification is always a good starting point & coffee enemas come highly recommended by many. It is vital to clear the body of toxic build up & the liver is targeted in order to achieve this. Coffee enemas boost the liver's functioning, enabling it to then draw toxins from cells around the body & dispose of them. Aspects of the Cancer Diet are, of course also detoxifying. Prolific sweating, if you are able,  should be part of detox.

Another essential aspect of detox. is to clear the body of fungus, such as Candida, which will weaken the immune system, promote an environment ideal for cancer & release toxins in the body. Candida, particularly is extremely common, yet undiagnosed in most.


Anything you now consume must be thought about carefully, as everything you put in your body will cause a reaction within of some kind, either positive + or negative - , either health promoting or cancer feeding.


Immune System Boosting through supplements & diet is essential to build our body up to take on the cancer & begin attacking it on a greater scale. If cancer is growing then this balance must be tipped whereby the immune system is killing the cancer faster than it can spread. The immune system is already clearly compromised if any cancer has taken hold so we must supercharge it's functioning, with nutrition, to a superior level where it can seek out & destroy cancer cells.


Stress is another key factor which must be addressed in some way, espcially as this, if prolonged & intense enough may have been the cause of the decline of the immune system, enabling cancer to take hold. Asbestos fibres will likely have been present in the body for many years, yet the immune system will have kept on top of any damage from them, severe stress may be a reason why this did not continue. The body listens to & reacts to the energy projected from our thoughts (see article on Energy Enhanced Medicine). Meditation is perhaps top of the list for suggestions to eliminate stress, this can be guided by a proffessional.


Ph Levels within the body must be neutralised as cancer thrives in a highly acidic environment.


Direct Cancer Killers are found in foods & dietry supplements.


Protect Healthy Cells from becoming cancerous.

This is now the No. 1 supplement for any type of cancer.

Designed specifically to renew & increase the natural power of the body through nourishment of the immune system. The ingredients are comprised of an exactingly proven balance of clinically studied powerful mushrooms, oils & carefully selected chinese herbs. These form a potent concoction which acts within the body to create balance, core vitality & health. The liver is enabled to cleanse the blood & cells as well as instigate new cell growth by flooding the body with necessary nutrients. The liver to brain connection is enhanced providing supercharged immune system functioning.

Take 2-3 bottles per month.

A top product providing an innovative, yet very effective method to tackling cancer cells which results in them dying a natural death. Contains Earth & Hexagonal Energies instilled in water. Acidic pH levels are ideal for the survival & spreading of cancer cells & cancer cells produce energy through fermentation & the break down of sugar which results in high levels of lactic acid being released into the body, affecting the cells around them. The frequencies instilled in BLA instruct cells which are pumping out high levels of lactic acid to stop this process, meaning that the lactic acid is now contained within the cell which ultimately kills the cell off due to an overload of the lactic acid.

Take 3 bottles per month.

Take 3 bottles per month.

This product works in a similar way to BLA (listed below), only the difference is that it is hydrogen peroxide which builds up inside the cancer cells & then kills them. Cancer cells are specifically targeted as they give out an amount of hydrogen peroxide, the energies in PrugX focus in on this & instruct these cells not to release it. Thereby the cell is overloaded with a fatal amount of hydrogen peroxide which destroys it.

Take 3 bottles per month.

Mesothelioma Protocol

Take 3 bottles per month.

Take 3 bottles per month.

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Lower Cost Supplements & Dietry Recommendations


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The first steps, as always is to begin a Cancer Diet which should be supplemented by some of the lower cost items below. You can, however achieve astonishing results by taking just the six products featured here. Results will be quickly felt & a reduction in tumour size will shortly follow. There is a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not convinced, but my Dad & others have never sent products back, just kept with their protocol & improvement followed....

Even selecting just a few of the top supplements & making other necessary lifestyle adjustments will have a profound effect. Mesothelioma can be treated at 'low cost' with diet & a few supplements, it is at the very least, most achievable to kill off cancer cells faster than they can spread this way & the cancer is kept in remission. This treatment is life-long but is rewarding in so many ways & other areas of health & wellbeing.


It is important to remember that it is the body as a whole which must be treated as each organ has a specific role with a knock-on effect, thereby 'each affects the whole'.


Try to keep fitness levels up as much as possible, taking a walk each day is a good idea, inhaling deeply & consistantly the fresh air.

Boost Immune System

Kill Cancer Cells

"There are no incurable diseases - only the lack of will,

There are no worthless herbs - only the lack of knowledge"

Beating Mesothelioma is about 'lifestyle change' although we tend to prefer to find the answer through medicine.

We need to attack the cancer from as many different angles as possible, (as any other cancer), you can never do too much when it comes to this, only too little. I shall list suggested supplements further down the page, catagorised into angle of attack, you can therefore ensure to cover them all.

(There is however, now, an exciting range of products, developed by a very special team of scientists & quantum physicists which take Fighting Mesothelioma to a whole new level.)

Protect Healthy Cells

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Ph Levels

Protect Healthy Cells

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"The body can remove bacteria, viruses, splinters and other foreign material from the tissues. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, we assume that the body may be capable of purifying itself of asbestos fibers as well. Therefore, we recommend a regular program of physiological purification including such measures as prolific sweating, exercise, and giving your digestive system a rest from time to time, plus various means to strengthen the immune system."

When attempting to overcome any caner, especially one so serious as Mesothelioma, it is important that we take a look at any chemical products we may be exposing ourselves to.

Unfortunately even the air we breathe is filled with thousands of chemicals & toxins, regular trips to the coast will give you the benefit of inhaling fresh sea air, as we all know does us all good.

The next items to look at are houshold cleaners & beauty/ skincare products, as these are chemical based & absorbrd through the skin. There are are now an increasing number of companies developing 'plant based' & 'all natural' equivalents of these products & they can easily be found online. Brands such as Method, Bently Organics are of the higher end but other brands such as Bio D are less expensive but still all natural. These are mainly for cleaning & laundry.

Aerosols should be avoided & the most cost effective way of avoiding expensive shower gels is to opt for natural soap bars. Skin creams & toothpaste should also be looked at & flouride avoided.

(Don't be fooled by super market products which have 'Natural' in their title, read the ingredients & look for parabens, we must avoid these.

Everyday Chemicals & Toxins

The easy route rarely offers us the outcome we seek
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