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Free Articles & Resources to Assist All Attempting to Beat Cancer Naturally

Frequency Enhanced Medicine - An Exciting New Frontier In Cancer Healing Supplements

An increasing number of scientists today are recognising the fact that disease is caused by some form of stress, some scientists believe that 95% of all disease is in fact stress related. Other enlightened individuals who are experienced in working with energy...

Mesothelioma -a more positive outlook

Ok, I can not speak for everyone here as different oncologists may give a slightly different view on the future of someone they are treating for mesothelioma. One thing is for sure though, discovering you have mesothelioma does not 'have' to mean you are looking at having just months left. Not at all.

A Mesothelia Success Story

There are countless books & stories online of how people have beaten all types of cancer without the need for orthodox treatments, yet stories of success against mesothelioma remain relatively rare & hard to come by. This is the main reason for sharing our experiences & success, in the hope of reaching the attention of those who need to know that mesothelioma by no means has to be the equivalent of their death sentence.

Chemotherapy & the Corruption Surrounding Cancer Treatments

The controversy over chemotherapy appears to be ever on the increase, although this is not too surprising when one stands back & looks at many of the facts surrounding this form of cancer treatment. What is surprising, though, is that in this day & age people are still put through this horrendous torture with the hope of regaining their health when in fact the truth is that they are unaware of the true damage being caused to their body...

Aloe Vera the Miracle Health Drink

The theraputic usage of the Aloe Vera plant dates back around 5,000 years to the times of the early Egyptians. Egyptian queens Nefertiti and Cleopatra used it as part of their regular beauty regimes. Aloe Vers is also known to have been used in ancient Greece, India, Mexico, Japan and China. Alexander the Great, and Christopher Columbus used it to treat soldiers’ wounds...

Very Advanced End Stage Cancer - What To Do When The Medical Industry Have Nothing Left To Offer

It is an unfortunate fact, that most people will only turn to the possibility of alternative methods of treating cancer when 'all else fails'. 

For many there will still be hope & the ability to recover, there is, however...

8 Angles of Attack to Beat Cancer Successfully
Oxy DHQ - Killing Cancer Through Cellular Oxygenation

Cancer cells are harmed & killed by Oxygen, while healthy cells need it to function. Oxygen is difficult to deliver, through their hard coating,  right into cancer cells. It is possible though & Oxy DHQ comes top of the list for achieving this. Learn about Oxy DHQ & other oxygenation methods.

Build the Immune System to Fight Cancer

Your Immune System has being keeping your body 'in check' throughout your life. For cancer to develop then the Immune System, for whatever reason, has become ineffective or unable to handle the amount of cancer cells growing so they begin developing at a faster rate than what the Immune System can kill them off at.

Chlorophyll - The Mysterious Benefits to Health & Spirituality

Although chlorophyll is not typically well known among most of us today for its amazing beneficial properties, even in the world of science there is still much unknown about it, yet the mystics of thousands of years ago were well aware of its vital role in the spiritual functioning of human beings.

The Medicinal Power of Turmeric

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is one of the most extensively researched plants of all time. It's medicinal properties, mainly from Curcumin, 'have revealed 600 potential preventive and therapeutic applications, as well as 175 distinct beneficial physiological effects'

Dried Goji Berries

Ever heard of Li Qing Yuen? He\'s the person who lived up to a ripe old age of 252 years. No kidding. The life (and longevity) of Prof. Li Qing Yuen, who lived between 1678-1930, is one of the best documented. And you know what?

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