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...this site is dedicated to providing the best information & advice to all those people currently attempting to cure themselves of cancer, or wishing to help a loved one. (Please see Free Articles & Protocols Page ).


We have tried & tested many of the suggested supplements & dietry options & therefore wish to share those which work with others in a similar position.

We are constantly researching new products from our trusted suppliers to bring you the very latest in Natural Cancer Fighting products.


All comments & any input is welcomed, feel free to contact us with your own story or professional skills which may help others in their situation & we will publish them on our website.

Natural, Alternative Methods For Effectively Beating Cancer

Cancer cells are harmed & killed by Oxygen, while healthy cells need it to function. Oxygen is difficult to deliver, through their...

Frequency Enhanced Medicine - An Exciting New Frontier In Cancer Healing Supplements

An increasing number of scientists today are recognising the fact that disease is caused by some form of stress, some scientists b...

Mesothelioma -a more positive outlook

Ok, I can not speak for everyone here as different oncologists may give a slightly different view on the future of someone they are...

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Top Current Cancer Fighting Products

(Read more about The Best in Cancer Fighting Products)

Top Current Cancer Fighting Combo

(where swelling is ok)

Highly Recommended

"Remember, getting well is easy. All you have to do is STOP doing what is making you sick, and START living new and healthy ways that will heal you."

- Richard Schulze

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“The first step in natural healing is responsibility. Natural healing is about taking control of your life and being responsible for everything that goes in and out of your body, mind and spirit." - Richard Schulze

If you ask most doctors today, nothing can heal cancer. The vast majority of the population is also of this belief. Sometimes the doctors have success in temporally slowing down the inevitable. The reason why they will never have a cure is because as long as the root cause is not removed, the problem will always be there.


Stress is a major root cause of cancer and must be reduced and eliminated. Removing stress from your life allows the body to do what it was designed to do; be healthy and disease free. Identifying stressful areas in your life is the first step toward reclaiming your health.


Lack of enjoyment for life, money issues, worry and fear build stress. But the most common stress on the body is eating and abusing harmful foods.

Abusing foods is the most common stress to the body.


The body & the functioning of the immune system, as a direct result of stress become weakened in ability to fight off disease, for whatever the precise reasons behind it, an environment has been created where cancer has the conditions it needs to come alive and grow...


This website features some of the little known amazing breakthroughs in Cancer Healing Products, including Energetic Medicine, the fast becoming recognised, Immune Force, as well as many stratergies & 'need to know' information to assist in the formation of an 'unbeatable' protocol for cancer.

Feel free to contact us for advice on building your protocol, we can energetically test  any products you may be considering purchasing & determine  their suitability for you. (What is right for one person is not always what works for another. As individuals, our bodies have different needs.

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