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This page provides further information on some of our most talked about supplements on this website & recommends some products which energetically test all others out of the water....


It is important to be aware that when killing cancer cells off at such a high rate, especially where the immune system is recognising & destroying cancer cells, that initially the tumor will appear to swell. This is normal & it means the products are working. The reason for the swelling is that the immune system uses inflammation to get rid of dead cancer cells & because they are being killed off so quickly there will be many dead cancer cells within the tumour, which the immune system is in process of removing.


For certain types of cancer, or if it has spread to areas such as the brain, bones, spine or throat, where any swelling must be avoided at all costs, the above method for killing cancer is not suitable. Instead we need to cause cancer cells to die a natural death & 'cancer killing' supplements must not be taken in such cases. Suitable products for avoiding swelling are detailed below.

Optimal Immune 2 is the most powerful stand-alone supplement for cancer & has replaced Immune Force, the previous number #1 cancer fighter.


Optimal Immune 2 has roughly the same immune & hormone system support as Immune Force, however Optimal Immune 2 supplies far increased support for brain & liver function as well as having a great anti-inflammatory effect.


The following description is that of the original Immune Force product.

This product is quite simply UNIQUE, there is just one company which has managed to formulate & bottle it & are proud it is their greatest achievement so far. There is NO other product works in ways as Immune Force does & this is what makes it the very BEST single supplement for beating cancer available on the market today. The power of this product energetically tests at 22,000.

Your Immune System has being keeping your body 'in check' throughout your life. In other words, mainly while you sleep, it is busy killing off cancer cells & viruses, keeping them at bay so they can not take hold & develop within the body to the extent that they begin causing us harm.

For cancer to develop then the Immune System, for whatever reason, has become ineffective or unable to handle the amount of cancer cells growing so they begin developing at a faster rate than what the Immune System can kill them off at. It may be worn out, toxic build-up over time may be supressing it, but there are other reasons which may trigger the downfall of the immune system all of a sudden; exposure to a mass of cancer causing toxins, radiation etc. another one being a period of prolonged intense stress, a factor often overlooked.

Anyhow, a compromised Immune System forms the circumstances cancer will take advantage of & so in order for us to fight back against the cancer, the strengthening of our Immune System is key.

If you are receiving medical treatment which will further degrade the Immune System, if not almost completely wipe it out then building it back up is VITAL if you are to beat cancer.


Immune Force delivers a power-packed combination which due to its 'Liposomal Delivery System' penetrates deeply into the cells of our body, including cancer cells & acts in your body to create core vitality and health. This concoction of supreme  immune boosting nutrients, consisting of a number of medicinal mushroom types, clinically studied oils & a carefully selected group of chinese herbs, has the ability to heat & clear congested liver pathways, bile ducts & much more.

Immune Force is safe to take for those with tumors where swelling must be avoided, as although it encourages the immune system to kill cancer cells, primarly natural cancer cell death is induced & Immune Force has natural anti-infammatory properties.


Optimal Immune 2 does all the above & more & has therefore replaced Immune Force as the best sigle product at beating cancer. When used alongside Optimal Immune 1, by far the most powerful combo for fighting cancer is created.


Optimal Immune 1 is formulated from 4 medicinal mushrooms as well as 9 selected herbal extracts which not only boast optimal immune boosting capabilities, but some of the herbal extracts kill cancer cells directly while some aid the immune system in doing so. This product kills cancer cells at such a fast rate that this causes the tumour to swell initially due to the inflamation created from the immune system attempting to remove all the dead cancer cells from the body. This is normal, however if you have a tumour where swelling would produce disasterous effects such as the brain or bones then this supplement is not suitable.


Further benefits of Optimal Immune 1 are improved functioning & communication with the immune system of the brain, assisting the effectiveness of the immune system at fighting cancer & in the removal of toxins. Optimal Immune 1 has anti-inflammatory properties, acts as a free radical scavenger as well as providing support for the liver.



> Further info. & where to buy Optimal Immune Combo

> Product info. optimal Immune 2 / Optimal Immune 1

Immune Force
Optimal Immune 1&2
The Most Powerful Products for Cancer

pHenOH is top rated to deal with cancer in the lungs, when used in a nebulizer & especially when taken alongside BLA & Glutam.

The energetic properties of pHenOH will directly target & kill cancer cells in the lungs. The ability of pHenOH to do this is further significantly enhanced by the addition of BLA & Glutam.


Dosage: 2-3 bottles per month of each.


Further details & where to purchase:

Cancer In The Lungs

(Most Effective cancer Fighting Combo.)

The supplements in this combo are all energetic in nature & the Elixir Combo consists of BLA, BLA Enhancer, Glutam, PrugX, PrugX Enhancer, Dtosin, Reveal, GlioX, Telomerase, Tumorin, RAD, and CSE. Energetic testing puts the power of this combo at 38,700, when using 3-4 bottles of each per month. 4 bottles would only be used in cases of Advanced or Very Advanced Cancers.

In these quantities this combo must only be used where swelling is ok, see below for how to take in cases where swelling is to be avoided.


Energetics work in a different way to other supplements, they work directly with the energies within the body & deliver specific frequencies which both instruct the cells of the body & promote health. Cells comunicate messages & receive messages from the brain through vibrational frequencies, when we are very ill the level of these vibrational frequencies become lower & out of line with optimal health.

Each cell of the body has an electrical charge surrounding it & are reliant on this electricity to receive messages from the brain, for the heart to respond to stimuli & for the communication between cells which enables cellular change. Cancer interferes with the natural flow of vibrational energies & a drop in this electrical activity becomes evident as a persons appearance becomes noticably poorly & they begin to look as though they are wasting away.

Energetic medicine delivers vibrational messages to cells, stimulating them & influencing them to behave in a certain way. For further reading on this subject see 'Energetic Medicine - An Exciting New Frontier In Cancer Healing Supplements'.

Each of these elixirs delivers vibrational messages to cells, stimulating them & instructing them to behave in a certain way. For details on how each of these energetic supplements work see Part 2.


For details on how to buy this combo visit: Elixir Combo Swelling OK

Elixir Combo To Avoid Swelling

In cases where swelling of the tumor must be avoided this combo may still be used as it causes cancer cells to die a natural death. The rate at which we kill off cancer cells, however, must be reduced to ensure the immune system does not recognise such large amounts of dead cancer cells & no swelling occurs.


Dosage: 1 bottle of each elixir per month.


Purchasing the combo provides both value for money on this range of products, as well as maximising the energies of the body to fight cancer to their full potential.


To purchase this combo > Elixir Combo 1 of Each

Skin Cancer & Tumors Close To The Skin

When taking BLA & Glutam, the addition of AlkalOH Gel energetically tests at 22,600. Used alone this product tests at 16,300. These results are specific for reducing tumor size & healing cancers close to the skin.

It kills cancer cells by driving the OH Water right into the tumor.


AlkalOH Gel Dosage: 1 bottle per moth - Early Stage Cancer, 2 bottles p/m Advanced, 3 bottles p/m Very Advanced.


Further info. > AlkalOH

Elixir Combo Skin Cancers

The Very Best In Cancer Fighting Products

Lung Cancer

Essential Vitamins & Supplements

Sublingual Unique B12 1000 mcg with Folic acid and B6

A good quality source of Vitamin B12 is one of the essentials for any cancer protocol. We have found this product energetically tests far above any other of its kind, that we have come accross. The reason this product is Unique is the B12 content is much better absorbed sublingually, especially if the B12 content is in the form of Methylcobalamin. The addition of Vitamin B6 & Folic Acid work synergistically with Vitamin B-12 in lowering serum homocysteine levels and nutritionally supporting a healthy nervous system and cardiovascular function.

Further reading & purchasing details for Unique B12.

Essential Vitamins & Supplements

ZNatural Liquid Zeolite with DME

Liquid Zeolite is an essential for detoxiofication, especially of heavy metals. The chelating properties of zeolite enables it to attach its self to heavy metals & toxins within the body & lead to their effective removal. (Zeolite may even assist with the removal of asbestos fibers from the body).

ZNatural is the market leader in liquid zeolite & is unparalleled in it's cleansing power. This is due to it's penetration of the blood, organs, glands and cellular tissue, even the entire vascular system, cleansing & detoxifying the blood & entire body.

More detals on ZNatural Liquid Zeolite

Curcumin X400

For further reading on the medicinal power of Curcumin see article.

Where to purchase Curcumin X400

True Food Selenium

Selenium is a trace mineral which has gained much recent attention & has proven to be beneficial in enhancing the body’s immune system and fighting off cancer. People with cancer tend have low amounts of selenium in their bodies, especially if they have received chemotherapy & been taking prescribed drugs.

Selenium has antioxidant properties that are essential in maintaining overall good health and in improving the immune system. Selenium is necessary in trace amounts in order to keep the body healthy and free from diseases. It has also been found to reduce free radicals which are responsible for causing cellular damage, and may even cause cancer and heart disease. Due to its antiviral and immune boosting properties, Selenium assists the body in countering attacking pathogens.

More info. on why True Food Selenium is an ideal choice.

High Antioxidant Green Tea
Green Tea

High Antioxidant Green Tea

Green tea contains substances called polyphenols that are believed to have powerful anti-cancer abilities.

Cancerous tumors rely on fast-growing networks of blood vessels to sustain their rapid growth rate. Green tea compounds possess the ability to help slow or prevent this rapid growth. “Green tea inhibits the development of new blood vessels in tumors, and provides one more approach that can be used to strangle tumors.

In order to gain the full cancer fighting abilities of green tea, it is best taken in extract form, or 10-12 cups of green tea per day would be considered the correct amount for cancer treatment.

Green Tea 30:1 Extract 12,480mg

High Antioxidant Green Tea


Intravenous Vitamin C


This comes very high on the list for successful cancer treatment.

Your doctor CAN prescribe Intravenous Vitamin C, but you will be lucky to find one who WILL.

An alternative practitioner, such as a naturopathic doctor would be your best chance of receiving such treatment.

8 Angles of Attack to Beat Cancer Successfully

Dynamic Trio

Cellular Oxygenation

For the most powerful Oxygenation.

Ronuv Oxygenation Combo

- the soluble form of Vitamin C being around x16 more potent.

DHQ is a powerful free radical scavenger, it also boosts circulation & improves red blood cells.

The healing frequencies contained in OxyDHQ come from it's 15% Sea Ormus content, providing a super healing force.

OxyDHQ is able to deliver oxygen right into cancer cells, where it is most needed, where as other oxygen products lack the ability to do this.

Where to buy OxyDHQ                

OxyDHQ is becoming increasingly famous as a top cancer fighter & as a single product it stands head & shoulders above all other oxygenation options on the market, in fact it is completely unique & rather in a class of it's own.

OxyDHQ contains 84 minerals, 39 enzymes, 19 amino acids, ascorbo-phoshpate

Dynamic Trio

The Dynamic Trio consists of Oxy DHQ, Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ & PH Balancer 8.0.

This well known, effective Trio covers 'Three Angles of Attack' on Cancer:

  • Cellular Oxygenation

  • Detoxification

  • pH Levels (pH Balancer also acts as an anti-inflammatory)

It is a worth while addition to your protocol, even on a rotational basis.

The Dynamic Trio

Immune Force

Spirulina Powder

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