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What being diagnosed with Mesothelioma actually means:


Ok, I can not speak for everyone here as different oncologists may give a slightly different view on the future of someone they are treating for mesothelioma. One thing is for sure though; discovering you have mesothelioma does not 'have' to mean you are looking at having just months left. Not at all. When a medical professional tells someone this, chances are they will believe it & there is now every chance that this will be the case.I would just like to make a point here before going any further; I am certain that all oncologists & medical professionals act in what they truly believe to be the best interest of their patients. They are there to help you & will have trained for many years to be where they are now because they want to help people & to save lives. It is not their fault, however, that the theory of cancer & cancer treatment on which they are trained through university or medical school has been proven to be flawed in many ways. The reason for this, most likely comes down to profit. Big drug companies are involved in many areas of government funding, I don't know to what extent but I do know that the money they make from getting people on chemotherapy is phenomenal. There is bound to be a link here as it is obvious for anyone to see that if people start treating themselves through herbs etc. or seeking alternative practitioners there are going to be no expensive drugs to patent & millions upon millions of pounds lost to those behind these drug companies & those receiving their funding, whoever exactly this may be!?


So what being diagnosed with mesothelioma actually means is that there is going to need to be some very profound lifestyle changes, this is likely to mean a complete turn around in attitude & opening of the mind to new possibilities of healing in terms of alternative treatments & therapy's. It is also time to see the bigger picture. There is always a reason for us becoming ill, it means a new path is necessary for us to take in order to remain here in this life & if we choose to recognise this & take this path, we will come out the other side with a new & much greater understanding which we would never otherwise have achieved. We would at this point have a new perception of illness & be able to see it as a 'stepping stone' to enhanced awareness & even happiness that perhaps before was lacking in our lives. For some reason you could not go on as before, maybe you can think why this may be, or maybe discovering the reason for this is still a necessary part of your healing process, but one thing is for sure; if you do choose to take this path to healing & recovery there are many other areas in your life which need to be addressed, it was never intended to be easy but definitely worthwhile!


Cancer is a serious illness, mesothelioma as you will know is more serious still & therefore it was never meant to be 'easy' to beat, but that doesn't mean that it can't be done.You may be aware that there is no known 'cure' for mesothelioma, but it's not rarely heard of where people have made the necessary adjustments in their life in terms of attitude, diet, supplement intake etc. & held it in remission for many years. This means that they are killing cancer cells faster than they can reproduce through the intake of cancer killing nutrients, among other methods I will mention, until the tumour has reduced right back, it is unable to grow but the asbestos is the problem which remains. If the person were to cease intake of such nutrients, because the asbestos is still present & has previously caused damage then the tumour would begin to grow again. I don't believe it is impossible to completely eradicate asbestos from the body, in fact there are certain supplements we can take which will rid us of a certain amount.If you are fairly traditional in your belief system in that when you get ill, you go to the doctors or hospital, they prescribe medication, recommend a procedure or treatment plan & hopefully you get well, otherwise there may be a couple of other options you can try such as different drugs etc. & if this still doesn't do the job & the doctors have no other suggestions then there is therefore nothing that can be done, this can be difficult to get out of. Often people have been brought up with the belief that doctors always know best & in previous years doctors were held in very high regard within the community. It is the conditioning within the mind surrounding this view of doctors which, especially more among older generations creates considerable doubt in their ability to fight such an illness without the guidance of a medical professional & especially when these professionals are saying that there is nothing more they can do. In addition to this, mention your intentions of following an alternative approach to treating mesothelioma, or any cancer to a doctor & you will get absolutely no support from them with this, more likely they will either advise against it or dismiss such an idea as a waste of time. (In my experience they just simply refused to answer any questions, just shaking it off.)


The important point here is that you must believe in your ability to fight this, you must 'choose' to take the path to recovery. Why should you let the words of another person seal your fate, because 'belief' is the key factor here & if you truely believe you have only 6 months left then chances are that's about the exact time you will last here in this life.'Yes' your oncologist will have seen many like you sat there infront of him or her before, except they are not at all like you when you break out of the typical way of thinking & take a different mindset. They just believe the doctor knows best & don't know what else to do, so their textbook predicted future will inevitably become their reality, generally speaking. Some choose not to surcome to their illness & tend to go on much longer, however without the knowledge & implementation of a suitable diet & supplement plan their health will, but more gradually deteriorate.



Your Journey to Recovery: Where to Begin


When putting together a protocol it is a good idea to try & incorporate as many different angles of attack as possible.

It is also important to consider the every day products used, as far as toxic ingredients they may contain. The best option, when shopping for household cleaning products, deodorants, bath & shower products etc. is to opt for completely natural alternatives to your usual choices.Do your research, know your enemy & plan your protocol in accordance to what you have learned & what feels right for you. It can be advisable to seek the assistance of a homeopath, medical herbalist, or some kind of alternative practitioner.

A suitable cancer diet is essential. I am currently working on publishing details of this, there is lots of free info. out there. The basics are: NO SUGAR, no acidic food, no processed food, no meat (small amount once a week of organic chicken), no bread & no dairy. Think fresh organic vegetables & salad, minimal fruit, all meals freshly prepared & not pre-packaged!

Try to get as much excercise as possible. Even just a short walk each day will help keep your fitness levels up & increase your overall strenghth & stamina. Taking deep breaths of fresh air as you walk is good for your lungs & oxygen levels.


Some suggestions to form the basics of your daily diet & supplement regime:


  • Carrot Juice - Carrots are one of the top cancer fighting foods, to maximise their benefits they must be consumed raw & juicing is perhaps the best way to do this. A good quality juicer would be an ideal purchase, as other raw foods can also be used & should be regularly.

  • Budwig Diet - Developed by Dr. Johanna Budwig, this combination of organic flax seed oil & organic cottage cheese has worked as a stand-alone treatment for many thousands of cancer patients. Further information & instructions on preparing the ingredients can be found at


  • Liquid Zeolite enhanced with DHQ - For Mesothelioma, I would consider Liquid Zeolite enhanced with DHQ as an essential supplement, its chelating properties mean it is probably one of the best products you can buy with the potential of removing asbestos fibres from the body. (See Dynamic Trio below)

  • Selenium - A trace mineral that is essential to good health. Selenium is incorporated into proteins to make selenoproteins, which are important antioxidant enzymes. The antioxidant properties of selenoproteins help prevent cellular damage from free radicals.

  • Unique B12 - The far highest energetically testing B12 supplement we have found.

  • Vitamin C - 2,500-6,000mg in the form of calcium ascorbate powder. Dissolve in water & sip regularly throughout the day in order to keep constant high Vit. C levels in the body.Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant required for 300 metabolic functions in the body, including tissue growth & repair. This is also one of Paul Kraus's* top recommendations!

  • N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) - 1,200mg per day -600mg in morn. 600mg tea time.N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is the amino acid L-Cysteine plus acetyl. It is rapidly synthesised into intracellular glutathione, a powerful antioxidant in the body. Also chelates heavy matals, aids immune system function & breaks up mucus in the lungs.(It is vital when taking NAC at this dosage to also include min. 2,500mg Vitamin C in your regime!)

  • Ubiquinol - an electron-rich (reduced) form of CoQ10. A lipid-soluble benzoquinol that is found in all cellular systems and in nearly every cell, tissue and organ in the body. Levels found to be noticably low in mesothelioma & cancer patients.

  • beta-carotene - a substance from plants that the body converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A acts helps regulate the immune system, as well as playing an important role in many bodily functions, the main ones being cell division & cell differentation. This is where a cell becomes part of the lungs, muscle, blood or other specialised tissue.

  • Chlorella - A single cell-celled algae which grows in water & has the highest chlorophyll content of any plant. In addition to this it is thought that Chlorella contains every nutrient found in the human body & has been described as 'the perfect food!' See "Chlorophyll - the mysterious benefits to health & spirituality" for further details on the extensive health benifits of Chlorella.


There are also some simple substitutes you can make to your normal choice of products;

- Coffee/Tea - Green Tea (decaff)

- Milk & Dairy - Goats Produce

- Branded cereal - Homemade/branded (unsweetened) mueslie

- Snacks - Acai/Goji Berries


My absolute top personal supplement recommendations:


The following supplements are unique & some have played a vital, almost miraculus role in my Dad's protocol. Benefits are felt very soon after begining consumption & this causes increased 'hope' & then surely 'Belief!'


I would say the amount to take will be down to budget but if you can, take all six of the following products then watch the astounded expression when you next visit your oncologist for an xray or scan!!



The numbers in brackets indicate the number of bottles to equal one months supply.


  • Immune Force (2)

  • BLA (3)

  • Prug X (3)

  • Glutam (3)

  • Glio X (3)

  • C S E (3)


If possible, add on:

  • Prug X & BLA Enhancers (3,3)

  • Dynamic Trio (

  • Quzu (3)

  • Ronuv (3)

  • ESME Version C (3)


Alongside a Cancer Diet  you will hit the Cancer HARD ENOUGH TO BEGIN TO KILL IT OFF! There will be noticable reduction in tumor size in a couple of months.


The above products have been developed by a very special team of scientists & quantum physicists & can all be purchased by using the search tool on the Manufacturers Website.


Keep it Natural       

Mesothelioma -a more positive outlook

Think Positive
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