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Direct Cancer Killers

Certain foods, such as the seeds of red grapes, when consumed will kill cancer cells.

The Cancer Diet is a stand alone treatment within its self, yet is still an essential aspect of any protocol! Cancer, if caught early enough is possible to be eliminated entirely through diet, although I believe the more that is done & the harder the cancer is 'hit' the better, as we need to ensure complete eradication, it is not to be taken lightly.

The Cancer Diet does infact cover many more of the '8 Angles of Attack' focused on here because as much as supplementation among other action is needed in certain areas, the Cancer Diet forms the foundations of success in every sense. 

We must carefully consider everything we put into our body because if it is not providing the necessary nutrition to strengthen & build our healthy cells, then it is 'feeding' & assisting the growth & spread of cancerous cells.

In addition to the two properties mentioned, clearly the foods we eat directly affect pH levels within the body, eliminate mucus, help build the immune system & assist in detoxification.


It is important to understand that health begins with what you eliminate from your diet, not with what you add. The first step in recovery and healing is to remove the problem foods from your diet. Then you can replace them with the healthy food you should have been eating from the beginning.

Green Tea

The Fundamental Principles of

The Cancer Diet

Negative Impact Foods
  • Banana –high in fungus

  • Bread

  • Cake

  • Dairy Products

  • Alcohol

  • Sugar

(8 Angles of Attack: Starve Cancer Cells, Direct Cancer Killers)

Starve Cancer Cells

Cancer is alive within our body & therefore needs certain conditions to survive. Our entire body is made up of cells & just as when we eat healthy foods, we are feeding the cells of our body what they require to keep our body, as a whole, in a healthy state, the same applies to cancer cells in order for them to be able to thrive when we eat certain foods.


To understand this it is important to recognise the difference between a healthy & cancerous cell. (This is explained in greater detail in 'Oxy DHQ - Killing Cancer Through Cellular Oxygenation').

Cell respiration of a normal, healthy cell is called 'aerobic' meaning it uses oxygen to produce energy, a cell which has turned cancerous has now become 'anaerobic' & now produces energy through the fermentation of sugar.

Basic Aerobic & Anaerobic Respiration

An effective & most logical way to start your Cancer Diet is to STARVE the cancer cells. Cutting off their supply of sugar is stopping dead one important food supply.

Please be aware that sugar is found in just about every pre-prepared, or off the shelf food. Artificial sweeteners are no good either.

Try Manuka Honey for a substitute.

Eliminate Mucus

Another step to starving cancer cells is to eliminate mucus, which they will feed on. Milk & dairy produce causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Dairy should be removed from the diet, with the exception of cottage cheese as part of the 'Budwig Diet'.

Perhaps one of the best substitutes for dairy produce (from cows) is goats produce. This is far easier to digest, contains far more calcium & is not mass produced.

pH Levels

Cancer thrives in a highly acidic environment. Generally, acid forming foods include: meat, fish, poultry, eggs & grains. It is not necessary (in my opinion) however to eat a completely vegetarian diet. A little organic chicken once every week or two & fish such as fresh salmon on occasion will do no harm.

Artificial sweeteners, beef, beer, breads, carbonated soft drinks, refined cereals, coffee, fruit juice from concentrate & lamb are extremely acidic.


While it is advisable to do a more thourough detox when dealing with cancer, especially initially, it makes sense to back this up with naturally detoxing foods.

Ideally the diet of a cancer patient should consist of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts a, little fruit, however berries have many beneficial properties. Bananas must be avoided. A juicer is a worthwhile purchase, as fresh vegetable juices should be consumed up to 3 times per day. The full nutritional benefits are only achieved raw & juicing is the best way to achieve this. Carrots & spinach are good additions, try to include wheatgrass & barley grass powder. Vegetables with a strong colour pigment, such as beetroot, carrots, purple berries etc. are extremely beneficial.


The best alternative to dairy is goats milk & produce, although this is classed as dairy, goats milk is not as mass produced & the milk contains far more calcium & selenium than cows milk. In fact it has the highest source of selenium of any milk. It is also more easily digested.



20 foods for fighting cancer

Processed foods

Eating highly processed foods prevents the body from receiving oxygen. Every bite taken from foods that come in a bag, container, box, can, bottle or bag is contributing to cancer. Everyone should be weary of eating these foods.

Healthy food is supposed to spoil after a few weeks, even a month. But if it lasts much longer, be weary. It's most likely very processed with many chemicals & other drugs to prolong the shelf life of the food while shortening the life of your body.

Dead Foods
If you put a food in the ground and it wont grow, dont put it in your body. Foods that have their enzymes in
them are known as live foods because they produce and support life. You can put the seeds of these foods into the
ground and you will have a tree or plant growing. Foods that lack enzymes are known as dead foods and support

"I am a teacher at the worlds foremost health institute that specializes in healing people with cancer:
Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) in West Palm Beach, Florida. (I highly suggest everyone with a cancer diagnosis or other health challenges go there. Mention my name for a discount). At HHI, they discovered key essentials to help thebody heal itself of cancer. Two of the most common suggestions are to eat live foods with their enzymes intact, and include a highly-green, chlorophyll-rich diet. Keep in mind that cooking destroys all enzymes in foods and a person trying to heal from cancer should consume a 100% raw, live-food diet.

Dr Leonard Caldwell

Some people recommend that all people healing cancer should avoid all sugars, even sugars found in
fruits. Others believe fruit is good as certain fruits have cancer killing properties. Fruit is perhaps best in moderation, once you are starting to knock back the cancer, except from bananas, which are a 'no, no'.

(Most people are aware that processed sugars are not healthful, but knowledge is lacking in regards to natural
sugars, such as those found in fruits.)
Regardless of the type of sugar consumed, too much sugar can cause problems. It leads to fermentation in the
body that feeds and promotes yeast growth and negative bacteria. Overeating sugary foods causes constipation
and gas, and this gas can back up into the bloodstream. This is where most diseases originate–from candida to
cancer and everything in between. If you want to be healthy, you must learn to cut back on sugary and starchy foods.


New Foods
If it wasnt food one hundred years ago, dont consider it food today. New foods also have new drugs and
chemicals in them in amounts that are harmful to the body. Big business has created many of these foods because
they care more about your wallet than your health.

Cancer can only come alive and grow in a body that is lacking oxygen. The average person today, especially someone with cancer, is walking around with a serious case of insufficient oxygen. The following elimination tips are musts if you are serious about overcoming cancer.


First we will discuss what we should eliminate from our diet:

The aura of raw & cooked broccoli

The above picture uses kirlean photography to show the vibrational quality of raw & cooked broccoli. This is the life force energy of the food.

Picture courtesy of

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